The collections’ inventory at the Musée du Moyen Verdon

What is a museum? What are the collections? What is an inventory for?

Collections show and help us understand skills and local traditions. They represent the starting point of a museum, and it is essential to preserve them. The inventory of museum’s collections is one of its main missions, and has become obligatory under the Museums Act since January 4th, 2002.

Inventaire des collections du musée du moyen VerdonCollections du musée du Moyen Verdon à Castellane

When on object enters a collection, it is recorded in the inventory register. The Musée du Moyen Verdon meets the standards of the Directorate of Museums of France. Each record number consists of the year number, the donation number (in chronological order) and the object number or 2012.5.13

Since 2009, with the aim of raising awareness, the collections of the Musée du Moyen Verdon have been registered by computer. Further to the advice of the Regional Inventory, every single object is photographed. A detailed fact sheet is created with the help of the Flora Musée software provided by the Conseil Général of the Alpes de Haute Provence.

Inventaire des collections du musée du Moyen Verdon à CastellaneMusée du Moyen Verdon à Castellane

Inventorying is a long and tedious working process, often poorly acknowledged but essential for both professionals and the public.